- Maceration: One year
- Alcohol level: 40°
- Balance sheet: To be done again
- Color: Brown
- Strongness: Low
Almonds arranged rum
This recipe is very simple, it can be made directly in the bottle.
Slide the almonds into the bottle. The choice of almonds is important for the flavour and development of the arrangement: favour organic and pruned almonds (so neither powdered nor flaked). Bitter or green almonds should also be avoided.
Add a cinnamon stick and a vanilla pod. Their flavours will take over in the first few months, but at the end of maceration (one year) the balance will be restored. You can filter at the end of the duration.
Almond rum develops a variety of aromas: vegetable (fresh cane), sweet (brown sugar, honey) and fermentative (Viennese pastries, cake). Its texture is slightly greasy and syrupy, diabetics are not recommended! Its coppery reflections give it a very beautiful colour, which a blown bottle can enhance.
I recommend sweetening a little more than the average (15%-20%) with brown sugar or liquid sugar. There is a variant, with honey sugar, of which here is the recipe.
The maceration time is very long, but the flavour developed is worth the effort, it is a very sweet, round and smooth rum. Enjoy the almonds arranged rum!